SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part Modelling
Prerequisites: SOLIDWORKS Essentials
Description: Advanced Part Modeling teaches you how to use multibody solids, sweeping and lofting features, and the more advanced shaping capabilites of SOLIDWORKS.
The topics covered in this course are:
Lesson 1: Multibody Solids: How They Work
Multibody Solids
Multibody Design Techniques
Case Study:Multibody Design
Contour Selection
Introducing: Solid Bodies Folder
Feature Scope
Patterning Bodies
Tool Body Technique
Introducing: Insert Part
Introducing: Move/Copy Bodies
Combining Bodies
Introducing: Combine
Common Bodies
Intersect with Solid Bodies
Introducing: Intersect
Local Operations
Indent Feature
Introducing: Indent
Deleting Solid Bodies
Introducing: Delete/Keep Body
Lesson 2: Saving Solid Bodies
Multibody Part vs. Assembly
Saving Bodies Functions
Using Cut to Create Multiple Bodies
Insert into New Part
Introducing: Insert into New Part
Saving Bodies
Introducing: Save Bodies
Modeling for Rapid Tooling
Splitting a Part into Multiple Bodies
Introducing: Split
Creating an Assembly
Introducing: Create Assembly
Using Split Part with Legacy Data
Lesson 3: Sketching with Splines
Curves in Sketches
- Splines
Introducing: Spline
Introducing: Spline Tools
Evaluating Curvature Combs
Introducing: The Control Polygon
Introducing: Spline Handles
Analyzing Solid Geometry
Introducing: Display Curvature
Introducing: Zebra Stripes
Surface Curvature Combs
Sketch Picture
Introducing: Sketch Picture
Style Spline
Introducing: Style Spline
Case Study: Watering Can Handle
Style Spline Tools
Fit Spline
Introducing: Fit Spline
Lesson 4: Introduction to Sweeping
Case Study: Faux Raised Panel Door
Sweep with Guide Curves
Case Study: Bottle Body
Pierce Relation
Sweep with Guide Curves
- The SelectionManager
Introducing: SelectionManager
Case Study: Hanger Bracket
Symmetrical Splines
Introducing: Dome
Lesson 5: Working with Curves
Curve Features
Case Study: Modeling a Spring
Sweeping Along a 3D Path
3D Sketching
Helix Curve
Introducing: Helix and Spiral
Introducing: Projected Curve
Composite Curve
Introducing: Composite Curve
Adding Features to the Bottle
Performance Considerations
Modeling Threads
Thread Profile
Blower Housing
Sweeping Along Model Edges
Introducing: Split Line
Lesson 6: Advanced Sweeping
Sweep Options
Additional Sweep Settings
Orientation and Twist Control
Visualizing Sweep Sections
Introducing: Face Curves
Align with End Faces
Solid Sweep
Introducing: Equation Driven Curve
Lesson 7: Boundary Feature and Lofting
Comparing Complex Features
How Lofting and Boundary Work
Loft vs Boundary Feature
Introducing: Loft
Boundary Feature
Introducing: Boundary Feature
Using Derived and Copied Sketches
Copying a Sketch
Modify Sketch
Introducing: Modify Sketch
Derived Sketches
Introducing: Derived Sketch
Boundary Preview Options
Sketch Block and Library Feature Profiles
Additional Curves in Loft and Boundary
Centerline Lofting
Loft Preview Options
Adding Sketch Segments
Introducing: Segment
Introducing: Split Entities
Cleaning Up a Model
Deleting Faces
Introducing: Delete Face
Evaluating Edges
Introducing: Deviation Analysis
Lofting with Guide Curves
Curve Influence
Hook Using Boundary
Introducing: Conic
Introducing: Curve Through XYZ
Sketch Blocks
Introducing: Sketch Blocks
Lesson 8: Advanced Filleting and Other Features