
SIMULIAworks: Scalable Simulation and Engineering Collaboration on the Cloud

Featuring Abaqus technology, SIMULIAworks brings advanced simulation capabilities to your product development process.



Test with confidence, inform in real time and make design decisions faster with the world’s best analysis tools

Built on industry-leading Abaqus technology, SIMULIAworks gives novices and experts alike the power to perform complex linear and non-linear analyses to validate product designs and make better-informed product decisions faster. Being part of the cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS portfolio means any engineer can easily access advanced simulation without the need for expensive hardware. An added benefit is faster product delivery, thanks to real-time collaboration and data sharing capabilities.




  • Maintain continuity with SOLIDWORKS data and workflows
  • Reduce investments in hardware and IT infrastructure
  • Choose the simulation solution that scales to your project needs




  • Conduct analyses with proven and scalable Abaqus technology
  • Leverage implicit and explicit solvers for linear and non-linear analysis, static and dynamic events
  • Create high quality meshes and solve complex simulations such as drop test and impact




  • Share status and results with your team to make design decisions faster
  • Access and visualize 3D simulation results from anywhere with a web browser
  • Save, manage and iterate on your projects from any browser



SIMULIAworks Scales to Your Needs

Being part of the 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS portfolio means SIMULIAworks provides flexibility for you to choose the simulation capabilities that best fit your needs when you need them. Learn about the roles available to you.



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